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Home > China Entertainment > China Funny Pictures > Carrier ground crew's cool gesture imitated by many people...

A cool gesture imitated by many people...

Funny Pictures from China

a cool gesture directing taking off on carrier imitated by many Chinese

First take-off and landing tests on China's first airplane carrier Liaogning has been successful, and thousands of ordinary Chinese watching the video of the airplane taking off from carrier,  the ground crew 's gesture while directing taking off is considered very  impressive and cool. Many people around China have imitated the gesture and posted photos of their gesture online to share, the following 25 pictures are selected from these posted pictures.

a cool gesture directing taking off on China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


cool gesture directing taking off from carrier imitated by many chinese


a cool gesture directing taking off on China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


a cool gesture directing taking off on China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


funny picture from china, a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


funny, a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


 funny pictures from china - a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


funny, a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


funny china pictures - a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


a cool gesture directing plane taking off from China's first carrier imitated by chinese


a cool gesture directing taking off from China's first carrier imitated by many Chinese


a cool gesture directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


china today funny pictures - gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


funny pictures, gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


gesture of ground crew directing taking off from China's 1st carrier imitated by many Chinese


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