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China Travel Guide: Beijing
The Great Wall

The Great Wall (Chang Cheng)

For any average traveler who visits China for the first time, the Great Wall is always an indispensable fixture on the itinerary. Without it, a trip to China would be incomplete. The reason is simple: it is one of China’s most important cultural and historical symbols. It is also one of the best known ancient constructions in the world. The massive project stretches from Shanghaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west, a distance of over 6,300 kilometers, covering eight provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.

The Great Wall

The Great Wall was first built as a defense line against nomadic incursions. Its military and strategic importance was unmatched by any other projects in ancient China. The construction of the wall began around the 7th-4th century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC).

At that time, feudal states built walls for self-defense against the invasion of nomadic tribes. In 221 BC, after unifying China, Qinshihuang, the first emperor of China, had the walls linked up, reinforced and extended to form the Great Wall. During succeeding dynasties in later years, renovations were made in line with local geographic conditions, creating many enchanting sights. It was listed by UNESCO as its World Heritage in 1987.


Useful Links: The Great Wall

Official Sites of Two Section Great Wall in Beijing Area:

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