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China declassifies third batch of diplomatic archives

China's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday declassified a third batch of diplomatic archives dating from 1961 to 1965 containing 41,097 items, almost 70 percent of the archives for the period.

The files include referendums, reports, recorded conversations, telegrams, notes, memoirs and documents signed by state and Party leaders.

Ministry curator of archives Guo Chongli said the declassified dossiers mainly reflected China's principles and positions in bilateral and multilateral diplomatic fields as well as exchanges with other countries.

They contain records of major diplomatic events, including Zhou Enlai's visit to 14 Asian and African nations, the forging of diplomatic ties with Asian and African countries including Laos and Kenya, the settlements of border issues with neighboring countries, the establishment of diplomatic ties with France, the evolution of relations between China and the Soviet Union and the Sino-U.S. ambassadorial talks (rounds 103 to 128).

Under the Archives Law of the People's Republic of China and other regulations, the Foreign Ministry has released about 41,000 archives in the first two batches since 2004 to about 3,400 users, including about 700 foreign users.

"The Foreign Ministry will try its best to complete declassification of the archives from between 1965 to 1977 in the next three years," said Guo. "After that we will declassify the archives on a yearly basis." (Xinhua)


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 What People Outside China Say?

Comments from Visitors:
I believe that China is now, or will very soon be the world's leading power. I think that if China took the lead in the N. Korean debate rite now it would go far to solidify China's position. I think that the best thing to do is for China to overthrow the N. Korean Government then hand it to S. Korea. That would help the people of N. Korea and end an unstable and dangerous situation. It would also show China's power and wisdom to the world.

I also believe that the USA is at a tipping point. With all the financial and political troubles dividing them, they have become narrow minded and polarized. I feel that this will inevitably lead to deeper chaos and divisions possibly leading to violence.

If China would resolve the N. Korean debate, it would focus the US on the Muslim world. Its going to happen anyway, why not take advantage of it. I believe that if China supported the US "TEA" party htis would speed things up and China would come out on top. (John C. Canada, Nov. 1, 2010)

 Chinese Embassies, Consulate Generals

  Foreign Embassies, Consulate Generals


Diplomatic Relations Since

Afghanistan Jan. 20, 1955
Albania Nov. 23, 1949
Algeria Dec. 20, 1958
Andorra Jun. 29, 1994
Angola Jan. 12, 1983
Antigua and Barbuda Jan. 1, 1983
Argentina Feb. 19, 1972
Armenia Jan. 20, 1955
Australia Jan. 20, 1955
Austria May 28, 1971
Azerbaijan Apr. 2, 1992
Bahamas May 23, 1997
Bahrain Apr. 18, 1989
Bangladesh Oct. 4, 1975
Barbados May 30, 1977
Belarus Jan. 20, 1992
Belgium Oct. 25, 1971
Benin Nov. 12, 1964
Bolivia Sep. 9, 1985
Bosnia and Herzegovina Apr. 3, 1995
Botswana Jan. 6, 1975
Brazil Aug. 15, 1974
Brunei Darussalam Sep. 30, 1991
Bulgaria Oct. 4, 1949
Burundi Dec. 21, 1963
Cambodia Jul. 19, 1958
Cameroon Mar. 26, 1971
Canada Oct. 13, 1970

Consulate, Chongqing


Consulate, Guangzhou


Consulate, Hong Kong


Consulate, Shanghai

Cape Verde April 25, 1976
Central Africa  
Chad Nov. 28, 1972
Chile Dec. 15, 1970
Colombia Feb. 7, 1980
Comoros Nov. 13, 1975
Congo Feb. 22, 1964
Cote d'Ivoire Mar. 2, 1983
Croatia May 13, 1992
Cuba Sep. 28, 1960
Cyprus Dec. 14, 1971
Czech Jan. 1, 1993
Denmark May 11, 1950
Djibouti Jan. 18, 1979
DPRK (North Korea) Oct. 6, 1949
DR Congo  
Ecuador Jan. 2, 1980
Egypt May 30, 1956
Equatorial Guinea Oct. 15, 1970
Eritrea May 24, 1993
Estonia Spe. 11, 1993
Ethiopia Nov. 24, 1970
Fiji Nov. 5, 1975
Finland Oct. 28, 1950

Consulate, Guangzhou


Consulate, Shanghai

France Jan. 27, 1964

Consulate, Chengdu


Consulate, Guangzhou


Consulate, Hong Kong


Consulate, Shanghai


Consulates, Wuhan

Gabon Apr. 20, 1974
Georgia Jun. 9, 1992
Germany Oct. 11, 1972

Consulate, Chengdu


Consulate, Guangzhou


Consulate, Hong Kong


Consulate, Shanghai

Ghana Jul. 5, 1960
Greece Jun. 5, 1972
Guinea Oct. 4, 1959
Guyana Jun. 27, 1972
Hungary Oct. 6, 1949
Iceland Dec. 8, 1971
India Apr. 1, 1950
Indonesia Apr. 13, 1950
Iran Aug. 16, 1971
Iraq Aug. 25, 1958
Ireland Jun. 22, 1979
Israel Jan. 24, 1992
Italy Nov. 6, 1970
Jamaica Nov. 21, 1972
Japan Sep. 29, 1972
Jordan Apr. 7, 1977
Kazakhstan Jan. 3, 1992
Kenya Dec. 14, 1963
Kiribati Jun. 25, 1980
Kuwait Mar. 22, 1971
Kyrgyzstan Jan. 5, 1992
Laos Apr. 25, 1961
Latvia Sep. 12, 1991
Lebanon Nov. 9, 1971
Lesotho Apr. 30, 1983
Libya Aug. 9, 1978
Lithuania Sep. 14, 1991
Luxembourg Nov. 16, 1972
Macedonia Oct. 12, 1993
Madagascar Nov. 6, 1972
Malaysia May 31, 1974
Maldives Oct. 14, 1972
Mali Oct. 25, 1960
Malta Jan. 31, 1972
Marshall Islands Nov. 16, 1990
Mauritania Jul. 19, 1965
Mauritius Apr. 15, 1972
Mexico Feb. 14, 1972
Micronesia Sep. 11, 1989
Moldova Jan. 30, 1992
Mongolia Jan. 30, 1992
Morocco Nov. 1, 1958
Mozambique Jun. 25, 1975
Myanmar Jun. 18, 1950
Namibia Mar. 22, 1990
Nepal Aug. 1, 1955
Netherlands May 18, 1972

Consulate, Guangzhou


Consulate, Hong Kong


Consulates, Jinan


Consulate, Kunming


Consulate, Nanjing


Consulate, Shenyang


Consulate, Tianjin


Consulate, Wuhan

New Zealand Dec. 22, 1972
Niger Jul. 20, 1974
Nigeria Feb. 10, 1971
Norway Oct. 5, 1954
Oman May 25, 1978
Pakistan May 21, 1951
Palestine Nov. 20, 1988
Papua New Guinea Oct. 12, 1976
Peru Nov. 2, 1971
Philippines Jun. 9, 1975
Poland Oct. 7, 1949
Portugal Feb. 8, 1979
Qatar Jul. 9, 1988
ROK (South Korea) Aug. 24, 1992
Romania Oct. 5, 1949
Russia Oct. 3, 1949
Rwanda Nov. 12, 1971
San Marino May 6, 1971
Sao Tome and Principe Jul. 12, 1975
Saudi Arabia Jul. 21, 1990
Seychelles Jun. 30, 1976
Sierra Leone Jul. 29, 1971
Singapore Oct. 3, 1990
Slovakia Jan. 1, 1993
Slovenia May 12, 1992
Somalia Dec. 14, 1960
South Africa Jan. 1, 1998
Spain Mar. 9, 1973
Sri Lanka Feb. 7, 1957
St. Lucia Sep. 1, 1997
Sudan Feb. 4, 1959
Suriname May 28, 1976
Sweden May 9, 1950
Switzerland Sep. 14, 1950
Syria Apr. 1, 1956
Tajikistan Jan. 4, 1972
Tanzania Apr. 26, 1964
Thailand Jul. 1, 1975
Togo Sep. 19, 1972
Tobago Jun. 20, 1974
Tonga Nov. 2, 1998
Tunisia Jan. 10, 1964
Turkey Aug. 4, 1971
Turkmenistan Jan. 6, 1992
Uganda Oct. 18, 1962
Ukraine Jan. 4, 1992
United Arab Emirates Nov. 1, 1984
United Kingdom Mar. 3, 1972
United States Jan. 1, 1979

Consulate, Chengdu


Consulate Guangzhou


Consulate Shanghai


Consulate Shenyang

Uruguay Feb. 3, 1988
Uzbekistan Jan. 2, 1992
Vanuatu Mar. 26, 1982
Venezuela Jun. 28, 1974
Viet Nam Jan. 18, 1950
Western Samoa Nov. 6, 1975
Yemen Sep. 24, 1956
Zambia Oct. 29, 1964
Zimbabwe Apr. 18, 1980
European Union  
  What's New

History of China Foreign Relations

Ping pong diplomacy commemorated
June 10, 2008 - China and America pay homage this week to a series of 1970s table tennis matches between the countries that paved the way for improved diplomatic relations.The week of exhibition games in China in April 1971 helped open China to the world, changed public opinion and paved the way for a groundbreaking visit from president Richard Nixon.A three-day event at the Richard Nixon Library that culminates in a rematch between several of the original athletes is to be held.







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