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Home China Education

China Education Information:
Education Facts, Figures and Links


American students got free trips to China

foreign student in China

Tales of Foreign Students in China: An Renliang

An Renliang pursues cross talk as a career.

In learning the Chinese art of talking and singsing, he has set a great example to others who wish to learn Chinese.
(sources: CRI English)

China Education and Related Official Sources

Funny Videos from China

China Education: International Media's Responses

More China education news links

China Education: Foreign Students in China

By the end of 2006, the total number of foreign students in China is
162,695, a 15.3% increase over the year of 2005.

These students are from 184 countries and regions of the world. These foreign students are currently studying at 519 universities, institutes and colleges in 31 provinces in China.

The top 5 of  foreign students' countries are:
1. South Korea: 57,504 (over 1/3 of total number of foreign students.);  2. Japan: 18,363; 3. USA: 11,784; 4. Viet Nam: 7,310; 5. Indonesia: 5,652


China Education: Facts and Figures:

  • Education Budget in 2008: 56.2 Billion yuan RMB (about US$ 8.11 billion), this figure is a 45% increase over the year of 2007.

  • The total number of graduates from colleges and universities in 2004: 2.8 million (last year figure is 2.12 million)

  • School in China - Starting Age: Primary 6-7 years; Secondary 11-12 years; College: 16 years

  • China carries out the nine-year compulsory education program.

  • The education related data:


China Education: Funny Picture:

Chopstick Smile Training


A shirtless graduation


Eye Stickers - great for getting classroom naps!

China Education Report Links (Official)
 China's new generation of freshmen, born in the 1990s, were more open-minded than their predecessors but less able to cope with frustration, a survey has found.

The survey covered 800 students at Wuhan University in central China's Hubei Province, who entered in September from all over the country. They answered questions on consumption, psychology and social issues.

They were found to be neither as selfish nor as difficult to get along with as people generally believed to be, according to the survey, released on Wednesday by the China Youth Daily.

In the survey, 77 percent said they were self-confident and 64.8 percent considered themselves open-minded and ready to try new things.

However, 72.3 percent said frustrations would have a negative impact on them.

Xiao Yongping, dean of the law college of the university, said the post-1990s students were more independent in thinking and choosing than those born in the 1970s and 1980s. He said their childhood environment -- the Internet age with abundant information -- had made them precocious, self-confident and passionate. (Xinhua)

Education Links:

Pictures from China: This is my desk

Pictures from China

Graduation Pictures

A Respected Rural Teacher

A Respected
Chinese Rural Teacher

Pictures from China


A Rural School
in Yunnan






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