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Import & Export Numbers

China's imports, exports drop 10.7% in Oct  (China Daily 2009-11)

Foreign Trade in December 2008: China has posted a trade surplus of $US39 billion in December, the second-highest ever, on a steep drop in imports, according to figures published in state media. December exports totaled $US111.2 billion ($A163.87 billion), a decline of 2.8 per cent from a year earlier, the China Daily newspaper said on Tuesday, citing customs statistics. Imports last month stood at $US72.2 billion ($A106.4 billion), down 21.3 per cent from a year ago, the paper said.

China ranks 2nd with 8.8% of world's exports by 2007. Xinhua News

China begins 150% special export tariff on fertilizers - BEIJING, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- China on Monday launched a 150 percent special export tariff on nitrogenous fertilizer and synthetic ammonia, a move to satisfy domestic demand, according tothe customs tariff commission (CTC) of the State Council.

The commission said the special tariff on the two products would last through the end of this year. The previous tariff for the two fertilizers was 100 percent.

The commission also said the 100 percent special export tariff on other fertilizers has been extended to the end of this year.

On April 20, the country started collecting a 100-percent special tariff (a tariff yet again levied on export fertilizers in addition to the common tariff rate) on all fertilizer exports and some fertilizer-related raw materials through Sept. 30, a period of high domestic demand. 2008-09-01 20:12:44


Import & Export Reports (Official Sources)

China changes fuel import tariffs - The Chinese government has raised the import tariff on fuel oil and jet fuel by 1% each for 2010. This means tariffs for fuel oil will be raised to 3% with jet fuel to 6%. China has already levied a consumption tax on oil because the production cost of the country's fuel importers will rise. The nation will also make cuts to certain import tariffs to meet its World Trade Organization (WTO) commitment. China has kept import duties for naphtha, a feedstock for petrochemicals, at 1% for next year. And the change in tariffs does not cover main transportation fuel petrol and diesel, with a duty of 1% since 2008 versus 5-6% previously. (7 December 2009)

China bans import, export of ractopamine
(Dec. 8, 2009 (Xinhua) China is to ban both import and export of ractopamine and ractopamine hydrochloride, the country's Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs announced Tuesday.

The ban is to take effect on Wednesday.

Ractopamine and ractopamine hydrochloride are stimulant drugs that are used as feed additives to promote leanness in pigs raised for their meat. Most countries around the world had not approved their use as veterinary drugs or additive in animal feed. China prohibited their use in 2002 because of possible health risks to humans.

An official with the foreign trade division under the Ministry of Commerce, who asked not to be named, told Xinhua ractopamine and ractopamine hydrochloride had no other major uses apart from use in feed additives.

The official said countries around the world had different views on ractopamine. Countries such as the United States and Australia approved its use, but it is banned in China and in EU countries.

China was banning the import of ractopamine, but also the export because of possible health risks, the official said.

China's foreign trade to recover in 2010 - By Hao Yan (Dec. 8, 09, China Daily)
China's 2010 international trade volume is expected to rise 10 percent from this year, and exports to increase about 15 percent, said Pei Changhong, an expert on finance and trade at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

"The foreign trade volume of 2010 will rise back to the 2008 level," Pei said on the release of the 2010 Economic Blue Book by the CASS on December 7. "A negative growth of trading volume is inevitable this year, but China still sees a surplus."

Customs statistics showed that the country's trade surplus in January-October was more than $150 billion, and may hit $190 billion for the whole year. The monthly exports surpassed $100 billion from July to October. "The climbing trend will continue for the last two months of this year," Pei said.

The Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) became China's fourth largest importer after the European Union, US and the Hong Kong special administrative region in the first ten months of this year.

"The Sino-ASEAN free trade zone has had its impact," said Pei. China and ASEAN countries impose no tariffs on 70 percent of bilateral trade goods at present, and this policy will be extended to 100 percent next year.

China raised the export tax rebate rate, seven times this year, which pushed up exports significantly. "The Chinese government is expected to pay 630 billion yuan ($92 billion) this year for the export tax rebate policy. There is limited room left for the tax-rebate policy,"said Pei.

Chen Jiagui, an academician from the CASS, stressed that it is crucial mission to boost domestic consumption. "We have a long way to go. Consumption growth is to be moderate next year, especially for the civil consumption. Some macro policies are needed,"he said.

The 2010 Economic Blue Book forecasts total retail sales of consumer goods may rise 16.3 percent year-on-year to reach 12.5 trillion yuan ($1.8 trillion) this year, and up 16.4 percent year-on-year next year, to reach 14.8 trillion yuan

China loses WTO car parts case against US - GENEVA (AFP) — July 17, 2008 - The World Trade Organisation on Friday said it had ruled against China in a complaint brought by the United States over Chinese import tariffs on car parts.

The WTO's dispute settlement panel urged China to bring what it termed "inconsistent measures ... into conformity with its obligations."

Beijing has a minimum local content requirement of 60 percent for home produced cars. If this level is exceeded, it then levies the same tariff on the vehicle as it would if it were imported completely built.

China has said the rules aim to prevent tax evasion by companies that import whole cars as spare parts to avoid higher tariff rates.

But the United States, as well as co-complainants Canada and the European Union, argued that the measure violated China's WTO accession agreement, which pledged a progressive opening up of Chinese markets.

In February, sources close to the case said that China had lost, but an official judgement was issued only on Friday.


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Facts and Figures: China Import/Export
  • Facts & Figures: China - Australia Trade: China's share of Australian exports (Source: DFAT):
    1990 3 per cent;
    1995 4 per cent;
    2000 5 per cent;
    2005 12 per cent;
    2010 (YTD) 24 per cent

China Import / Export Related Articles

China Business Experience

The major challenges Americans are facing in doing business in China:

  • Permission to enter market (38%);

  • Bankruptcy (42%)

  • Transparency (43%)

  • Human Resources (56%) 

  • Red-tape & Bureaucracy (67%)

Sources: White Paper of 2000 issued by China American Merchants Association

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China Import / Export Related Articles

China cuts, cancels export tariffs to boost exports  June 23, 2009  -- China will abolish export duties on some grains and industrial products and cut the duties for chemical fertilizers and nonferrous metals from July 1 to promote exports, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement Monday.

The Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council will eliminate the export tariffs for wheat, rice, soybeans, vitriol and steel wire. Grains are now subject to a 3-percent export levy.

Special export tariffs of 50 percent on chemical fertilizer and fertilizer raw materials including yellow phosphorus, phosphate rock and phosphoric acid are expected to be canceled. Export duties for some nonferrous metals including molybdenum, tungsten and indium will be halved to 5 percent, the statement said.

The move follows several increases in export tax rebates to support overseas sales amid the global downturn. Since last August, China has increased export tax rebates seven times.

China's exports fell 26.4 percent in May from a year ago to 88.76 billion U.S. dollars, following a decline of 22.6 percent in April. Exports in the five months to May totaled 426.14 billion U.S. dollars, down 21.8 percent.  (Xinhua News)  

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