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TripAdvisor - China Travel Review china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
U.S. Passports and International Travel - China china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
Foreign travel advice, China by UK Government
Frommers Destination: China china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
Xinhua News Travel Channel china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
China diary: Astonishing ambition - Paul Adams of  BBCchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
TravelBlog China - China Travel Forum china info rating starchina info rating star
TravelPod - China Travel Blogchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
China Dairy  - by Wilf_Day from Canada china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
US Department of State International Travel Warning china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
China – A Difficult Place to Travel? china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star
The Telegraph: China Travel Guide china info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating starchina info rating star

American students got free trips to China


China Inbound Travel
China Outbound Travel
  • The U.S.'s $4.4 billion surplus with China: Tourists from China are the new big spenders. Are U.S. companies ready for them? By Mina Kimes (click for full story)
  • China’s tourists to overtake Japan’s (click for details)
China Domestic Travel
China Travel / Tour Report Links (General)

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World Travel Links:
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China Travel Useful Information 
Research: China Travel and Tourism 
Facts and Figures: China Travel
  • Total number of airports: 175 (2011)


China Travelers' Feedback
Foreigners traveling in China
"I am addicted to West Lake tea. I drink almost two liters of tea every day," Frenchman Pierre proclaimed. Although growing up with coffee, he fell in love with Chinese tea at his first try. Every year, before the Qing Ming Festival, he goes to a tea garden in Suzhou and picks tea leaves. All he can see is a beautiful scene of tea leaves being picked by tea girls in the garden. Each time he buys a lot of best West Lake tea; enough to last a year. The tea leaves picked just before the Qing Ming Festival are known as "pre-Qing Ming tea," the best West Lake tea available throughout the entire year. In Beijing, we meet a number of foreigners, like Pierre, who are attracted to the old, but growing China. They are looking for a spiritual home in this mysterious land. (Click for full article.)

80 percent of foreign tourists prefer Great Wall
By People's Daily Online June 11, 2007 -
Which places of historical interest and scenic beauty in Beijing do foreigners prefer? Recently, Feng Huiling, vice-president of the Renmin University of China (RUC) announced research findings at a joint meeting held by the Beijing Social Sciences Association and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission. The research shows that 80 percent of foreign tourists prefer to visit the Great Wall. Within a large project about the Beijing Olympic Games, Feng Huilin supervised a large scale overseas investigation conducted on the "subject rank of the Beijing Olympics, and the national, cultural image of China." The investigation included socially affluent politicians and entrepreneurs from more than fifty countries, and almost 3,000 foreign media reports were consulted for this research. In terms of China's cultural specifics, the overseas population is most interested in food culture, approximately thirty-six percent of those surveyed. Of all the places of historical interest and scenic beauty, the Great Wall is the preferred destination for the overseas population, 80.8 percent of those interviewed. Following the Great Wall in popularity are the Imperial Palace, Tiananmen Square, Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. In the traditional arts field, the overseas population is more interested in Chinese characters, making up 35.9 percent of those surveyed.


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