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China Travel Guide
Health and Quarantine


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China Tourism Administration and Official Travel News
Health & Quarantine Information

Those who carry such special articles as microorganisms, human body tissues, biological products, and blood and its products, should declare to a quarantine department, and subject these articles to quarantine inspections. Passengers from yellow fever-infested areas should, when entering China, display to the quarantine department effective certificates showing that they have been inoculated against yellow fever. He who does not have such a valid certificate shall be retained for observation for six days beginning from the day he left the infested area, or he shall be inoculated and retained until the certificate comes into effect. It is the task of the Chinese quarantine authorities to prevent foreigners suffering AIDS, venereal diseases, leprosy, mental diseases and open tuberculosis from entering China.  


There are no particular immunizations required for entry into China, unless the traveler is coming from a yellow fever infected area. The Canadian and US disease control and prevention authorities recommend the all travelers have current polio and tetanus immunizations. For traveling into the countryside and remote areas, immune globulin is also recommended to combat hepatitis A, as is typhoid immunization. It is very important that you consult your own doctor or local clinic for more information.  We advise you to bring along a supply of antibiotics, an anti-diarrhea agent, and any other prescription drugs required by your current medical conditions.

Health & Hygiene       

China is a remarkably healthy country despite its relative poverty and climatic variations. Standards of hygiene varies from place to place so all visitors must be aware of potential hazards and act cautiously. Tap water is not safe; all water consumed must be boiled or filtered unless it is bottled mineral water. Boiled water is available in all Chinese hotels and restaurants. Although food is prepared fresh and cooked or cleaned thoroughly, stomach upsets are possible so it is advisable to take some medicine with you. 

Ailments such as sore throats and chest colds are also possible and can occur at any time of year considering China's climatic extremes. The summer months are brutally hot so it is imperative to combat the harmful summer heat with a sufficient supply of liquids to prevent dehydration. 

Prior to departing for China, it is recommended that you get accident and medical insurance coverage for any medical expenses that may arise during a trip. 

No vaccinations are required for travel to China but it is advisable to check with your doctor for current information. Tetanus and typhoid vaccines are essential for travel anywhere, and rabies and hepatitis vaccinations are recommended. Please note that there is a risk of malaria in remote areas of south China, so take precautionary measures before you go. 

For Health Regulations please check with your local health unit for required vaccinations and inoculations.



Emergency Medical Service

The clinics in large hotels and restaurants offer medical and first aid services to travelers. If you feel uncomfortable while on a tour, you may call the outpatient department of a local hotel, or ask your guide to take you to see the doctor.


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Related Quarantine News Links
International Travelers' Feedback to China Trip
Foreigners traveling in China
"I am addicted to West Lake tea. I drink almost two liters of tea every day," Frenchman Pierre proclaimed. Although growing up with coffee, he fell in love with Chinese tea at his first try. Every year, before the Qing Ming Festival, he goes to a tea garden in Suzhou and picks tea leaves. All he can see is a beautiful scene of tea leaves being picked by tea girls in the garden. Each time he buys a lot of best West Lake tea; enough to last a year. The tea leaves picked just before the Qing Ming Festival are known as "pre-Qing Ming tea," the best West Lake tea available throughout the entire year. In Beijing, we meet a number of foreigners, like Pierre, who are attracted to the old, but growing China. They are looking for a spiritual home in this mysterious land. (Click for full article.)

80 percent of foreign tourists prefer Great Wall
By People's Daily Online June 11, 2007 -
Which places of historical interest and scenic beauty in Beijing do foreigners prefer? Recently, Feng Huiling, vice-president of the Renmin University of China (RUC) announced research findings at a joint meeting held by the Beijing Social Sciences Association and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission. The research shows that 80 percent of foreign tourists prefer to visit the Great Wall. Within a large project about the Beijing Olympic Games, Feng Huilin supervised a large scale overseas investigation conducted on the "subject rank of the Beijing Olympics, and the national, cultural image of China." The investigation included socially affluent politicians and entrepreneurs from more than fifty countries, and almost 3,000 foreign media reports were consulted for this research. In terms of China's cultural specifics, the overseas population is most interested in food culture, approximately thirty-six percent of those surveyed. Of all the places of historical interest and scenic beauty, the Great Wall is the preferred destination for the overseas population, 80.8 percent of those interviewed. Following the Great Wall in popularity are the Imperial Palace, Tiananmen Square, Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. In the traditional arts field, the overseas population is more interested in Chinese characters, making up 35.9 percent of those surveyed.




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